Personal Finances, or the Art of Managing Your Life. Part 1


The new book by financier Svetozar Gledachev offers answers to important questions that each of us asks ourselves almost every day: what to do with my money, even if it is little? How do I protect it against inflation? When interest rates on deposits are zero, is there a good solution? Should I buy property? What should I do before and during financial crises?

Take a look at the second part of the book here.


Author: Svetozar Gledachev

The new book by financier Svetozar Gledachev offers answers to important questions that each of us asks ourselves almost every day: what to do with my money, even if it is little? How do I protect it against inflation? When interest rates on deposits are zero, is there a good solution? Should I buy property? What should I do before and during financial crises?

Written in an accessible way for people who will encounter this subject for the first time as well as for professionals, this book helps the reader make the right choices.


ISBN 978-954-796-089-3

Published: 2021

Page Count: 204 pp.

Take a look at the second part of the book here.


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