
American Drama on the Bulgarian Stage

Original price was: € 6.07.Current price is: € 5.46.

This is the first comprehensive study of American drama on the Bulgarian stage from the 1930s to the end of the twentieth century.


Author: Kornelia Slavova

American Drama on the Bulgarian Stage: Theatre as Cultural Translation is the first comprehensive study of the presence of American drama in Bulgarian culture from the 1930s to the end of the twentieth century. It traces the production history, stage transformations and critical interpretations of the most significant plays by Eugene O’Neill, Lillian Hellman, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee and other American playwrights performed in this country. The study combines the methodology of theatre studies, cultural studies, and translation studies. The theatrical event is analyzed as a process of cross-cultural translation, which involves both the translation from one language to another and the translation and reinterpretation of different ideas, images, and theatrical aesthetics across time and space according to the changing political and social context of the host Bulgarian culture. The book seeks to answer a number of interesting questions: what new semantic potential is revealed in the translation of cultures through the mediation of the stage? What possibilities for representation and self-representation are opened up through theatrical practices? How do symbols of American individualism and popular culture relate to symbols of proletarian culture and social optimism?

ISBN 978-954-796-053-4

Published: 2014 

Page Count: 320 pp.

Additional information

Weight 0.536 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 cm


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