The Jamesiad. Between Fact and Fiction: the Postmodern Lives of Henry James (E-book)


The book explores the Postmodern Lives of Henry James.You can order this е-book via the Order form link HERE


Madeleine Danova

The book explores how a writer’s life that according to one of his closest friends was “in a sense uneventful enough, except for the wide range of its points of social contact, yet in fact charged and brimmed as few lives are with ceaseless adventure of spirit and intelligence” has become the focus of nine contemporary British and American biofictions. This new postmodern genre is analyzed from the perspective of the interest writers of today have taken in the life and work of Henry James, re-writing his biography in a way in which the stability of the biographical narrative becomes undermined and challenged, while the biographical subject acquires a new “life after death.”

ISBN 978-954-796-037-4

2018 г.

Pages: 224 с.



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